What is The Commune?
We're a group of gamers, and we're always looking for new gamers to join us. Every month or so, we pick a game to play. We chat about the game together, and we record podcasts, record videos, and write essays. You can reach The Commune in the following ways: As for me, I'm Greg Livingston, but I go by Golem. I organize things around here.

Pages tagged blended genre


Episode 37: Genre Blending
Jan 27, 2015
Superhero League of Hoboken combines point-and-click adventures with an RPG world and combat. Do the two genres blend successfully?
Episode 47: Balance
Aug 8, 2015
As an action RPG, Popful Mail must balance real-time combat, as well as equipment.
Episode 51: Cohesion
Sep 12, 2015
As an early FPS, Realms of the Haunting has novel approaches to controls and story.